- Melbourne’s TIME network catches up at Platinum Travel Corporation, Melbourne
- Drinks, food and fun with the local industry’s brightest and best
Generous hosts, Platinum Travel Corporation, threw open their doors to the travel industry in Melbourne, inviting the TIME network and their guests to connect and share tales of their professional experience.
“We were really spoiled by the Platinum team”, said TIME’s Melbourne convener, Intrepid’s Brett Harvey, referring to the generous spread laid on at Platinum’s stylish Canterbury offices.

Casey Anderson, Hawthorn Travel; Ines Iniesta, Insight Vacations; Kate James, Sure Save, and Julie O’Grady from Exclusively Cruising.
“We’re so grateful for their generosity”, added Brett.
Ingrid Kocijan, TIME graduate and General Manager Brand, Strategy & Partnerships at Evolution Travel Collective was MC for the night. Ingrid described her own experience in the TIME program, and was pleased with the interest from aspiring new mentees.
“It’s so great to see this momentum from the travel community here. Our next Melbourne gathering is set for June, and we encourage ambitious travel and hospitality professionals to join us and learn more about this incredible industry program”, said Ingrid.
Platinum Travel Corporation’s Director, Andy Buerckner, spoke about the mentoring role his father played in the careers of both he and his sister. Despite the fact their father was a renowned travel industry figure, neither thought they’d ever work in travel.
“I wanted to be something ‘cool’ like a bungee jump operator”, said Andy.
“And yet, here we are, my sister Sarah and I. Sarah is a total genius, a qualified nurse and midwife, but travel is in our DNA”, added Andy
Andy made a salient point about mentoring: “There’s a common misconception that a mentor has to be a financial success like Mark Bouris or Warren Buffet. Yet, my mentors would each define success quite differently.”

Iain Summers, Enablis Pty Ltd; Ingrid Berthelsen, Evolution Travel Collective; and David Hughes from UNIGLOBE Travel International
TIME participants find that same diversity of views, goals and priorities in their Mentors.
“All our Mentors have a unique experience ready to be shared with their respective Mentees. A huge amount of insight goes into matching them for specific experience and outcomes. It’s a huge driver of TIME’s success”, says TIME program founder, Penny Spencer.
The evening’s keynote address was delivered by Pete Rawley, CEO & Founder of Evolution Travel Collective.

TIME’s Melbourne convener, Intrepid’s Brett Harvey with Pete Rawley, CEO & Founder of Evolution Travel Collective.
Pete gave a brilliant run down of his travel industry career to date—an honest recollection of the ups and the downs. For Pete, the act of asking for more responsibility and learning from great leadership were key to his success.
“We can’t just give the future leaders of our industry lip service. TIME helps the industry step up and invest in the people who will lead it in years to come. Just by participating, every Mentee is asking for more responsibility and receiving invaluable leadership insights. It’s such a powerful process”, said Pete.
TIME’s 35th group of Mentees starts its six-month mentoring journey on 19 June 2019, with expressions of interest for that intake due by 17 May.
Travel-tourism-hospitality professionals are encouraged to follow TIME on Facebook and LinkedIn to keep up to date with what’s going on inside the travel industry’s premier career accelerator.
For more information about becoming a TIME Mentee, CLICK HERE or email TIME Program Manager, Marie Allom at time@travelindustrymentor.com.au