- Travel Industry Mentor Experience (TIME) network meets in Adelaide.
- TIME returns to Adelaide in August.
The Travel Industry Mentor Experience (TIME) went head-to-head with Westeros by hosting one of its renowned networking evenings on a Game of Thrones finale Monday recently. Both GOT and TIME brim with insights into leadership.
TIME is, we can report, a lot less treacherous.
Time in Adelaide can seem a bit odd to the rest of the country with that quirk of being 30-minutes-off-the-hour. But when TIME comes to town, we find that Adelaide’s just like everywhere else. In a good way.
“Our gatherings are always abuzz with inspiration and energy”, says Penny Spencer – Founder of the TIME Program.
“No matter where or when they take place, even on GOT finale night, TIME events draw some of the local industry’s finest minds and most ambitious people. And Adelaide was no different”, adds Penny.
She’s referring to TIME’s most recent networking event in the South Australian capital, generously hosted by the team at Phil Hoffmann Travel Glenelg.

Deb Falvey,Journey Beyond; Ellise Saunders, Anne Ford and Ruby Smith from Phil Hoffmann Travel; and Cover-More’s Ben Walters.
“It was a great evening”, said program graduate and Adelaide’ TIME coordinator, Cover-More’s Ben Walters.
“As you’d expect, the networking and conversation was lively across a range of travel brands and businesses, fuelled by some great catering from Amazing Grazers and drinks kindly sponsored by Phil Hoffmann Travel”, he added.
Inspired presentations were delivered by Michelle Ashcroft – General Manager at Phil Hoffmann Travel, and industry figure—and TIME program Mentor—Peter Egglestone.
Michelle energised the room with GOT-esque quotes like “If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough”—possibly a reference to raising dragons—and “Be someone you would choose to follow”.
Egglestone recalled many of his own experiences in and around the TIME mentoring program, making the point that mentoring is not so much about the Mentor, but more about the Mentee as they drive the program and, ultimately, the results.
Walters, too, spoke of his recent experience as a TIME program Mentee.
“It was a refreshing change—for everyone, I think—to be regaling an industry audience with tales of something other than travel insurance”, he quipped.

Mary-Anne Guest, Phil Hoffmann Travel; Michelle Kerr, GMT Travel Co; and Michelle Mickan, Mark Nicholson and Stacey Ward from Phil Hoffmann Travel.
Travel-tourism-hospitality professionals are encouraged to follow TIME on Facebook and LinkedIn to keep up to date with what’s going on inside the travel industry’s premier career accelerator.
For more information about becoming a TIME Mentee, CLICK HERE or email TIME Program Manager, Marie Allom at time@travelindustrymentor.com.au